Tuesday, March 31, 2015

New Traditions

I loved Easter Egg Hunts growing up!  There was something kind of magical about running around and finding that brightly colored egg hidden in the inside of a tree or underneath a porch or chair cushion.  Then, not only did you find the egg, but you usually popped it open to see what kind of gem was inside--hopefully chocolate!  Now, I know this isn't the real reason we celebrate Easter.  Believe me, I'm one of those people pushing the whole "Remember the reason for the season!" saying.  But, I wanted Ryan to experience this magic while learning the true meaning behind this very important holiday.

I decided I wanted to have an Easter party and egg hunt for our friends and hopefully make it an annual thing.  I planned it for weeks and stalked out the cutest ideas on Pinterest until I finally reeled it in and went with just a few of the things I'd pinned. ;)  Maybe next year (behind Josh's back!) I can go a little more overboard!

One thing that was very important to me was that the younger kids didn't lose sight of why we were celebrating together.  So, I stuffed 60 eggs with candy, jelly beans, and a various Bible verses to help them understand why Jesus died on the cross.  It was for US--and that is something we should never, ever forget.

Here are just a few pics from our fun afternoon.  The chilly weather didn't get in the way of a great time.  I can't wait to do it again next year!

Bunny Butt cookies--what did I DO before Pinterest?!?

I cannot get OVER how big my sweet girl looks here! :(

I could kiss Liam's sweet cheeks all day!


Brotherly Love :)

The Straits!

The Roscoes!  I think Blair was kind of over it at this point ;)

Besties with their babies

Happy Easter, from our family to yours!  HE is risen and every day we should thank HIM for saving us.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Sweet Surprises

Let me start by saying this isn't a post to brag.  I'm not trying to boast nor do I think I'm above anyone because of the content in this post.  I'm sharing this for a couple of reasons:
1)  This blog is a way for me to (try) document my life and the important people and events in it.
2)  I hope this story will help at least one person see it doesn't matter how big or how small you serve God and those around you--it's ALL meaningful to Him.
3)  I would love to start a nonprofit one day and this may be the very basis of the idea behind a future endeavor.  I never want to forget WHY I started this.

I got an idea a few months ago at church.  I'd been struggling with how to serve and be a "light" to others.  I felt I had no special talents or that I couldn't do anything that would make a difference.  It finally hit me.  I don't have to be the greatest at many things or the best at just one thing--that's not important to God.  What's important is that we help others through Him, so He receives the glory.  If all of us could lead just ONE PERSON to God, imagine the impact that would have!

I like to bake but I had never considered myself a "baker."  At least, not one that would stand out.  I decided to shut off the negative voice in my head and give it a go.  I wanted to bake birthday cakes for students at my school who might not receive one otherwise.  I drafted a permission slip for families to sign, shared my plan with the principal and, with her consent and encouragement, spoke to the staff and Sweet Surprises was underway!

I went to Michael's like 5 times in one week for cake decorating supplies.  I watched YouTube videos and pinned like nobody's business.  Within a week I had my first cake request.  I stayed up until midnight baking and tinting icing and piping out various designs until I decided on the one I wanted to use.  I smiled through the entire process, imagining that sweet student's face the following day.

                                                                  My first "ombre" cake.

The cake turned out great (personal opinion, not professional).  The teacher feedback was very positive and the students even said it was, "too pretty to eat."  While all of these things made me very happy, a feeling of reward shouldn't be the reason behind this idea.  As I baked the cake, I prayed somehow this child would know that God loved her.  That no matter what her life had been like or would be like, she had a heavenly father who loved her and whose birthday would forever be a special, important day to him.  HE would never forget her birthday or not care about that day, for that day was a day one of His children came into the world.

I don't know that these children will think about God when they receive their cake.  And, because of the way public school systems run, I can't talk about God to them or tell them how much He loves them.  I can pray for them and I do.  I hope you'll pray for these kiddos, too.  I also hope this story will help you realize no matter WHAT you do, you have the ability to share the grace and love of God with another.  It's not the size of the offering, it's the reason behind the offering.

                                                                     Serious face.

One of my favorite parts and the last thing I do--write this note to the students and tape it to the cake box so they read it first before digging in.