Tuesday, March 31, 2015

New Traditions

I loved Easter Egg Hunts growing up!  There was something kind of magical about running around and finding that brightly colored egg hidden in the inside of a tree or underneath a porch or chair cushion.  Then, not only did you find the egg, but you usually popped it open to see what kind of gem was inside--hopefully chocolate!  Now, I know this isn't the real reason we celebrate Easter.  Believe me, I'm one of those people pushing the whole "Remember the reason for the season!" saying.  But, I wanted Ryan to experience this magic while learning the true meaning behind this very important holiday.

I decided I wanted to have an Easter party and egg hunt for our friends and hopefully make it an annual thing.  I planned it for weeks and stalked out the cutest ideas on Pinterest until I finally reeled it in and went with just a few of the things I'd pinned. ;)  Maybe next year (behind Josh's back!) I can go a little more overboard!

One thing that was very important to me was that the younger kids didn't lose sight of why we were celebrating together.  So, I stuffed 60 eggs with candy, jelly beans, and a various Bible verses to help them understand why Jesus died on the cross.  It was for US--and that is something we should never, ever forget.

Here are just a few pics from our fun afternoon.  The chilly weather didn't get in the way of a great time.  I can't wait to do it again next year!

Bunny Butt cookies--what did I DO before Pinterest?!?

I cannot get OVER how big my sweet girl looks here! :(

I could kiss Liam's sweet cheeks all day!


Brotherly Love :)

The Straits!

The Roscoes!  I think Blair was kind of over it at this point ;)

Besties with their babies

Happy Easter, from our family to yours!  HE is risen and every day we should thank HIM for saving us.